Sunday, December 28, 2008


Yesterday, Mr. ST and I drove back, well *I* drove, from visting Mr. ST's family for the Christmas holidays. This drive, only three hours or so, usually gives me time to reflect since the hubby is usually asleep for the first hour and a half or so. So, yesterday was my time to really start thinking about all the things that I want to accomplish in the new year.

Yes, the dreaded resolutions that people rarely keep. I have made many in the past that were never kept, so I am really familiar with not following all the way through with them. But I really think that maybe if I change them from resolutions to GOALS, then I might just succeed. I want to meet each goal with gusto and maybe, I will feel that sense of accomplishment. Like when I complete a knitting project!!

So today, I am going sit back and further finalize those "goal's" for 2009. I will put them out soon, I just need to get them all formulated into complete thoughts in my mind. So, stay tuned!

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