Saturday, January 17, 2009

It was one of those weeks

Ever have one of those weeks? You know the kind where you don't seem to catch a break? Well, that was my week, last week.

I had to be the one to give one of my employees notice that she was being laid off. It was, by far, the hardest thing that I had to do. No one likes to do such a thing, but it's part of my job. I did very good in holding in my emotions during the meeting, but afterwards, we spoke at length, and at that point, I did let some tears flow. She took the news well, and has already put her foot out and started her job search. I admire her, she's a single mother doing it all on her own. It's funny, she is telling everyone that I took it harder than she did! I love her and I am going to miss her terribly. And no, I had no say in the decision; that was left up to HR and Legal.

On top of that, we received news about a family member, having cancer. It came the night before the lay offs, so it only added to my ability to no sleep that night. The family member is quite positive and I believe that is going to help them in the long run. You never know when the "C" word will creep into your life...

Though, this week there was some excitement! My parents have been in California visiting my Great, Great Aunt. She turned 90 yrs old on the 15th of January and they went out there to visit with her for a week. She's a sweet lady and I love her to pieces. I wished that I could have been out there to wish her a happy birthday as well. While the parents were in California, they got tickets to the taping of Dr. Phil's show. Actually 2 taping's. The first taping, they were on the VERY FRONT ROW! and for the second taping, the were right behind Dr. Phil's wife, Robin. They were not sure when they would air, but we did catch it, in the nick of time, to see the first taping this Friday! We counted seeing them four times! Now we need to find out when the next one airs!

Well, the hubby and I just finished up one episode of the First Season of Saturday Night Live. It was a hoot! I am sorry, but I am an Old School SNL fan. Today's SNL, just is not all that funny. It doesn't compare to the Coneheads, Samurai Warrior, or Gilda Radner as Rosanna Rosannadanna. Long live the Original Cast!

Well, I am outta here. It's time to hit the sack and get some rest!

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